Kursus Penambangan Bitcoin

Indonesian HODL May 20, 2023
2 People Read

Ingin berkarir di pertambangan Bitcoin dengan energi terbarukan? Lihat kursus 14 minggu gratis saya yang terdiri dari semua materi gratis terbaik dari internet. Itu memiliki semua yang perlu Anda ketahui untuk memulai dan menyertakan beberapa sumber tambahan dari orang-orang seperti Saifdean Ammous, Andreas Antonopoulos dan bahkan menyertakan tautan ke whitepaper Bitcoin asli Satoshi Nakamoto.

Study Plan: Bitcoin Mining with Stranded Renewable Energy

Week 1-2: Introduction to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies

Week 3-4: Understanding Bitcoin Mining

Week 5-6: Renewable Energy Sources and Grid Integration

  • Watch: "Introduction to Renewable Energy" by Khan Academy (https://youtu.be/Uf5WSFwtaEE)

  • Watch: "Renewable Energy and Electricity Grids" by The Energy Transition Show (https://youtu.be/gbsO0vzQ5e4)

  • Read: "Renewable Energy: Sources and Methods" by Martin Kaltschmitt et al. (Chapter 1: Introduction)

Week 7-8: Stranded Renewable Energy and Bitcoin Mining

  • Watch: "Bitcoin Mining and Renewable Energy: Stranded Gas" by Gemini (https://youtu.be/5Z0G_AfpaNY)

  • Watch: "The Secret Power of Stranded Renewable Energy" by Greentech Media (https://youtu.be/3jDRuIM2lY4)

  • Read: "Bitcoin Mining with Stranded Renewable Energy Sources" by Delphine Querleux et al.

Week 9-10: Technical Aspects of Bitcoin Mining

  • Watch: "Bitcoin Mining: How Does It Work?" by 99Bitcoins (https://youtu.be/GmOzih6I1zs)

  • Watch: "Bitcoin Mining: A Technical Introduction" by Dr. Peter Rizun (https://youtu.be/l9jOJk30eQs)

  • Read: "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies" by Arvind Narayanan et al. (Chapter 8: Mining)

Week 11-12: Optimizing Stranded Renewable Energy for Mining

  • Watch: "Bitcoin Mining: An In-Depth Guide to Energy Efficiency" by CoinShares Research (https://youtu.be/VV5Uf310j3w)

  • Watch: "Green Bitcoin: Mining for Renewable Energy" by CNBC (https://youtu.be/km1wmkCJ8tI)

  • Read: "Optimizing Renewable Energy Use for Bitcoin Mining" by Samuel Cabrera

Week 13-14: Case Studies and Real-world Applications

Additional Resources:

  • Read: "The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous

  • Read: "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" by Satoshi Nakamoto (Original Bitcoin whitepaper)

Note: I highly recommend supplementing your studies with the suggested books and articles to gain a deeper understanding of Bitcoin mining and renewable energy.